Intention vs Attention
Four Truths
Time has become our scarcest resource.
We’re convenience-junkies and efficiency-hounds.
We ignore what isn’t meaningful reject what we don’t value.
We protect our time and guard our attention.
We suffer from one of the greatest trust deficits in history.
The result of a decade marked by inauthenticity and self-interest .
Cynicism and scepticism our first default.
We no longer transact money but trust.
We live in a world of noise, distraction and filter-failure.
Detecting what’s meaningful is hard.
Distinguishing signal from noise even harder.
Distilling truth from narrative is nigh on impossible.
We are how we feel.
Our decision making is powerfully and predictably influenced by emotion.
Emotion trumps thought every time.
Our willingness to act is dictated by emotion.
A Paradoxical Time
It is now both easier and more difficult to connect with people than at any time in history.
Brands now have the ability to reach almost every person on this planet with money to spend, but their ability to turn reach into relationship involves penetrating a psychological wall of disinterest, distrust and disconnection.
And this paradox extends beyond ‘Brands & Consumers’ to ‘Brands & Their People’, the culture behind the brand.
It’s created a marked shift in the value equation. For a brand to survive and thrive, it has to be prepared to create more value than it hopes to receive.
For customers and for its people.
A Shift In Thinking
Living within this paradox requires viewing the world through a different set of lenses.
Curiosity + Empathy
Understanding people.
Exploring context & culture.
Searching for truth.
Positivity + Integrity
Creating value for others.
Building relationships.
Transacting in Trust.
Creativity + Courage
Problems as possibilities.
Obstacles as opportunities.
Seeing around corners.
Candor + Compassion
Recognising talent.
Realising potential.
Instilling belief.
I believe understanding people, context and culture is a strategic imperative.
I believe understanding and harnessing the power of emotions creates competitive advantage.
In a world of brand noise, it’s the only way to be seen, the only way to be heard.
It’s the only way to bring the people that matter to you.
People First
Up Close & Personal
If you understand a person’s path to a decision, belief or behaviour in a specific context, you will clearly see multiple opportunities for your brands to be relevant and resonate.
If you understand the state of mind, attitudes and emotions, motivations, needs and triggers, influences and influencers of a person in a specific context, you will know where and how you can influence in your favour.
Knowing what is meaningful and what matters will inform and guide how your brand can act (and the role it can play) to create value and deliver results.
It will tell you where and how you can authentically earn attention, build trust and inspire loyalty in your brand.
3 Principles
Earn Attention
Create and give generously.
Be interested, relevant and resonant. Show heart.
Be curious.
Build Trust
Be accountable and transparent.
Show authenticity and sincerity. Demonstrate consistency.
Be trust worthy.
Inspire Loyalty
Show empathy and humility.
Exceed expectations and create continuous value.
Be inclusive.